dob studio

We make hyper-realistic virtual faces for people who wants live a different lives which they want to live in Metaverse. Rui Li, a virtual influencer, is an ambassador for the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization, and at the same time is a promotional model for several companies and brands. dob Studio creates fictitious characters like Rui to help businesses and government agencies communicate the brand they want. These fictional characters have no moral hazard risk and are creative and attractive. Also, like Aila, dob Studio creates imaginary characters that can only be seen in novels. Aila is a Virtual Mermaid. Having lived in the sea for 400 years, she longed for land and came to us as a virtual human in the Metaverse. In the future, you will be able to meet a lot of beings like Aila in webtoons, dramas, and movies.

Founded in June 2020, dob Studio has achieved cumulative sales of KRW 2.5 billion with excellent virtual face technology, creative content, and professional business execution, and attracted KRW 5 billion of investment in the Pre-A series. Korea's No.1 bank produced virtual human contents for KB and KT, the No.1 telecommunication company, and produced virtual human advertisements for many companies such as LG Electronics and Doosan Electronics.


Location: Korea


D-SIMLAB Technologies
