MPSG, MPSG13, Batch2 Morning Pitch MPSG, MPSG13, Batch2 Morning Pitch


Manzalab creates new digital experiences covering several different areas such as: training, communication, design, industry, cyber-security, and entertainment.

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MPSG, MPSG11, Batch2 Morning Pitch MPSG, MPSG11, Batch2 Morning Pitch


Synthesis unlock the power of open data. We build original datasets that can detect shifts in consumer preferences and identify growth audiences for our partners.

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MPSG, MPSG09, Batch1 Morning Pitch MPSG, MPSG09, Batch1 Morning Pitch

Blue Innovation

Blue innovation Co., Ltd. is an innovative solution provider delivering five major services including security, indoor inspection, education & safety, entertainment, and logistics based on our Blue Earth Platform (BEP).

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